Moon Phases and Psychic Abilities

The moon represents instinct, emotions, and psychic abilities in astrology. Where it was when you were born by sign and house, and the aspects it makes to other planets, can show how psychic you are, and which gifts you have. However, no one’s psychic ability is strong all the time. Often, psychic ability waxes and wanes with the lunar phases. Usually, motions and psychic ability all increase as the moon increases in size, or waxes, and decreases in size as it gets smaller, or wanes. However this isn’t true for everyone. There are three things to keep in mind when considering psychic abilities and lunar phases:

Lunar Phase at Birth

People who have the moon opposite or trine the Sun tend to be more psychic than others. A full moon shows up as oppositions in the natal chart. Trines show up as lunar quarters. Now, I know what you’re going to say: what about people who have the Sun conjunct the Moon? Yes, these people are very psychic. However, they either distrust there’s psychic instinct, for the people in their lives convince them that what they perceive is not true. Therefore, at least in early parts of their lives, they tend to rely more on logic or senses, and ignore their gut instinct. Many of them learn to trust their instincts when they’re older, rediscovering the psychic abilities that were natural and innate.

Where is the moon in relation to the sun in your chart? If it isn’t trine, in opposition, or conjunct the Sun, don’t worry. There are other lunar characteristics that show how psychic somebody is.

Moon by Element

The water elements tend to be the most psychic, followed by the fire signs. The air signs are the third most psychic, and the earth signs the least psychic. The most psychic signs of all are Pisces and Scorpio. However, you can still develop your psychic abilities even if your moon isn’t in a psychic sign or element.

Moon by House

A more prominent Moon is more psychic than others. Those with it in the first, eighth, ninth, and twelfth houses tend to be the most psychic. It’s also easier for these people to find ways to apply their psychic ability in their everyday life. Those with it in the fourth house may also enjoy a certain amount of psychic ability, though they may not show it to the world. People with the moon in the tenth house may actually be known for their psychic ability.

An astrological reading is a great way to find out what your psychic potential may be. An astrologer can read your astrological chart, see your psychic potential, and help you develop it.

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