Negativity: Is It Really that Bad?

Worried about negativity? Don’t be.

Negativity is natural.

The universe is a balanced place, and nothing is ever perfect for one person, and that’s perfectly fine. What is negative for one person is negative for another. Someone loses $5, and someone else finds that $5. Things come around and go around. This is the nature of the universe.

So, it’s also perfectly normal for you to react to some things negatively, and for people to do the same. Sure, after a while, you can take the long view of things, but you have emotions in the immediate. This, too, is normal. After all: humans evolved to have emotions to keep them safe. Disgust, anger, sadness, anxiety, and hatred not only help you know when something is wrong, bad, or dangerous, your emotions signal to other people that something is wrong.

Negativity is normal.

Yes! While everyone is worried about avoiding negativity and “negative people,” they’re actually missing the point. People show these uncomfortable emotions to signal that something is wrong.

Negativity isn’t toxicity. 

Now, don’t confuse negativity with toxicity. Toxicity is not a healthy thing. It’s abuse, it’s manipulation: toxicity is the manufacturing of bad emotions in order to create them in other people in order to have power over them, to avoid one’s own feelings, and to create fake ones. Toxicity emotions can even seem like good ones, like happiness or love.

Negativity needs to be released.

Negative expression not only has social and psychological purpose, it has a spiritual one. These feelings show us that something is wrong with the world, and that we have to do something. Thus, when someone is “being negative” they’re trying to communicate that something is wrong. We have the choice to help or to be cowards, label them, and hide.


The universe is not all love and light, no matter how much your yoga instructor insists otherwise. There’s a dark side, and when you’re psychic, you get to see more darkness than you care for. However, the worst thing you can do is pretend it isn’t there. A cry for help should never be ignored.

If you’re struggling with negative feelings, a psychic can help you figure out what they mean and how you can resolve them.

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