Reincarnation: All About Your Past Lives

Reincarnation IS Real.

Reincarnation is a real thing.

Clients continue to ask me about their past lives, particularly if I know what they are. Sometimes, I can pick up on a person’s past life, but usually I don’t. After all, my psychic practice is generally focused on the life one is living right now, not the life one’s soul used to live. I can’t do anything about the past.

It’s entirely possible – and more likely – that you’ve had more than one past life. Reincarnation is a belief that predates Christianity, even Judaism. In fact, reincarnation wasn’t considered antithetical to Christian beliefs until centuries after the religion was established. In much of the East, reincarnation was a generally understood idea. Now, it’s generally considered to be a tenet of Hinduism and Buddhism, and while it certainly is crucial to some or all sects of these religions, it’s not necessarily abandoned by the West, even though reincarnation was not really a part of any Western pagan cosmologies.

You Probably Reincarnated More than Once

Most people have lived more than one life, and have lived more than two. Old souls have lived tens, if not hundreds, of lives. The more lives someone has lived, the harder it is to distinguish them. The adults who tend to remember past lives with a lot of clarity either haven’t had a lot of past lives, or they have an unusual ability to pierce the veil between the past and the present.

However, you shouldn’t feel bad if you can’t remember your own past lives.

You May or May Not Know About Your Past Lives

Some people remember their past lives, but many do not. Children tend to have a better recollection, usually forgetting as they become more immersed in their current lives, or sadly, when adults refuse to believe them. However, you may have fears without a known origin, or an affiliation to a place and time and aren’t sure why.

A psychic can help you if you think that it’s important to know what happened in your past lives.

1 Comment
  1. Linh Chi Nguyen Reply

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