Money: Questions for Psychics, #1

Money: it’s not love, success, or freedom, but it certainly offers the promise of the rest. There’s a reason we want it. We may feel guilty about asking for it. However, we still still need it.

Go ahead: Ask me about money.

Perhaps it’s just “green energy,” but it’s sure hard to get the things you need if you can’t afford them. We use it to get what we need and what we want, so pretending that it’s nothing is really only possible if you’re so rich that money is no object. Otherwise, it’s perfectly normal to want it and want more of it. After all, it’s not the money itself, but what it can do. After all, no one wants to sit in a giant vat of bills and coins and die in it.

It’s not selfish to want.

One of the most toxic aspects is our culture is the guilt we ascribe to people who need things. Now, I’m not advocating getting what you want at all costs, especially if it means hurting other people, nor am I endorsing anyone’s greed. However, we tend to make people feel guilty for addressing their wants and needs; we literally think that it’s noble to go without, and then we’re angry when those in need try to get what they want.

Want is a sign that something is desired, and desire comes when there is lack. It’s okay to want a nicer house, or money to pay bills, or to be able to afford nice things for your children. Humans are spiritual beings, but we’re also animals with bodies living on Earth.

But I can’t just make it fall in your lap.

Some people are born with silver spoons in their mouths, and others are born with nothing. Money comes easily to some, and to others, not so much. Either way, I can’t just make it materialize in front of you…but I can help you find a way to get it on your own terms if you ask me.

Go ahead: Don’t you want to know about your ability to acquire and earn all that “green energy”?

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