Astrology Quirks: Something Weird About Each Sun Sign

Every astrological sign is weird in its own way.

Astrology quirks are what makes the study of the zodiac interesting. I’ve listed a few odd observations I’ve made over the years.

Astrology Quirks:

Aries: Aries feels anger stronger than it feels pain, and it can go days without sleeping and then pass out for three. Aries tends to get along with the family dog best and never offers to help clean up after meals. They’ll never give in and do what the crowd is doing if they don’t like it.

Taurus: Once Taurus likes something, Taurus takes it all. This goes for food, too, so buy extra. The only way to convince Taurus of anything is to trick them into thinking that whatever it is, it’s their idea. Taurus is a nature plant and flower expert.

Gemini: Geminis are the kings and queens of TMI. The thing is they don’t blink when you divulge too much. Tend to remember every line of every song and movie and recall them instantly. Trivia turns them on.

Cancer: Cancer daydreams about being taken care of, but in their waking life, takes care of everyone else. Cancer’s dream job is being Santa Claus. They have amazing memories, though they prefer to recall things as they want to remember them.

Leo: Leo is actually very sensitive to rejection, and may take any slight to heart. They’re strangely into their hair and may actually ruin it or hurt themselves trying to achieve mane perfection. Leo is very fond of accessories and hugs.

Virgo: Virgo secretly thinks of the most cutting insults, and but may not always share them (unless they’ve been drinking). They either know how to fix everything or think they know. Virgo is actually quite an attentive lover since they’re so int0 details.

Libra: Libra’s legendary indecisiveness leads them to collecting things: even the men have a lot of jewelry. They actually all tend to dress well naturally and try to hide their sweet tooths, rarely succeeding. Libras love a good story, and love listening to them.

Scorpio: Scorpios cry at movies, especially in theaters because no one can see them. They actually read their cell phone contracts. They’re the ones who get the death wish spicy chicken wings just to freak everyone out.

Sagittarius: Sagittarius likes to explore the world through it’s stomach. Slim in youth but the food catches up. Usually avoid buying furniture and “forget” to take their phones off silent. Will opt to walk no matter how long the journey. Chances are the 75 year old going back to college is a Sagittarius.

Capricorn: Capricorns have odd fetishes, and some of them may lead double lives where they’re a goody two-shoes but also hell on wheels. They know how to stretch a dollar to infinity, and almost everyone who haggles me is a Capricorn.

Aquarius: Aquarius doesn’t care that it’s an Aquarius, though many astrologers are Aquarians. They snicker at weddings and avoid catching the bouquet or the garter. Aquarius does things to shock their parents well into adulthood and beyond. Likes gender bending and packaged food.

Pisces: Pisces is actually very sharp; they just pay attention in their own way, absorbing information. Teachers think they’re lazy, crazy, or both. Pisces tend to have a refined sense of taste, but that doesn’t stop them from drinking or eating whatever they find.

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