Love Language: Which One is Yours?

Everyone has a love language.

I’m not big into pop psychology, so I genuinely didn’t know what love language were. However, my clients started asking me about them. I investigated. While I don’t think this is something I’ll incorporate into my practice, it does have some merit.

What’s a love language?

A love language is a way that a person gives and receives love and affection. It’s the way a person expresses these things and recognizes love from another person. We don’t all have the same languages, but we do generally have a few modes of perceiving love.

There are five love languages. Which one or ones is yours?

Most of us have more than one love language. Yet, I’ve determined that each language corresponds closely with an astrological sign. Chances are, your languages are a combination of your Sun, Moon, and Venus signs. However, everyone responds to all the languages. We just respond better to some of them.

Words of affirmation: Being complimented, told you are loved, assured when you are sad, cheered up, spoken to kindly.

Corresponding signs: Gemini, Leo, Aquarius

Acts of service: Having favors and chores done for them, being taken care of when sick, being helped when in need.

Corresponding signs: Virgo, Capricorn

Physical touch: Hugs, kisses, holding hands, sex, grooming, cuddling.

Corresponding signs: Cancer, Pisces,

Receiving gifts: Receiving actual gifts but also being given someone’s stuff, like sharing a candy bar.

Corresponding signs: Taurus, Libra, Capricorn

Quality time: Spending time doing fun, leisurely activities that are enriching and memorable.

Corresponding signs: Aries, Sagittarius

Love languages as insight into karmic wounds

This is where I think the languages are helpful: they tell us what our karmic wounds are when it comes to love. What we need from others is often what we lack in ourselves. What we lack in ourselves is often carried over from a previous life. For example, someone who feels loved when the receive gifts may have been poor in a previous life or not allowed to have nice things. Someone who needs quality time may have been forced into a marriage with someone they barely knew and had nothing in common with.

What are your love languages? Tell me in the comments below!

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