What is Astral Projection?

Astral projection sounds like the stuff of hippies, and yes: to a certain extent, it is. Astral projection became more popular in the 20th century, but it has been a part of the New Age since the 19th century. It has actually existed since before that, too.

What is astral projection?

Astral projection is the intentional, willful projection of the soul into the astral plane. The astral plane can only be accessed by the soul separate from the body. Thus, one has to let the soul leave the body in order to get to the astral plane. The soul doesn’t leave completely, however: it will stay tethered to the body if one remembers to create a spiritual connection to the body.

Can the soul stay on this plane, too?

It can. The soul can explore any dimension that it can access. However, most people want to access another plane of existence. Once the soul separates from the body, it doesn’t have to stay in this dimension and can easily slip into the dimension of souls.

How do I do astral projection?

I hesitate to tell you how to do this because it’s very dangerous if you’re not careful, so I will just give you a description of how it works:

You meditate and relax. You imagine your soul lifting from your body. You create an energy chain or rope to connect your soul to your body. You let your soul travel.

Why would anyone do astral projection?

Those who do this kind of thing want to communicate with beings on another plane. This could be loved ones who have passed on, angels, or other spiritual beings. However, there are also beings that are not so nice out there, and you have to be careful not to contact them or to bring them back with you. Sometimes, those beings want to keep you stuck out there and away from your body.

How long can you do astral projection?

It’s up to you, but I think it’s best to do it for as little time as possible and only when you’ve adequately protected yourself, since an unattended body is quite tempting for beings that a looking for a warm host.

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