Uranus in Taurus: Stable Genius?

Uranus enters Taurus on May 15, 2018.

Uranus in Taurus begins on May 15th and lasts for 8 years. It will usually stay in a sign for eight years, spending about a year’s worth of time retrograding. Uranus leaves the brash and bold sign of Aries and enters into stable, peaceful Taurus.

What does Uranus in Taurus mean?

Taurus is the sign of stability and keeping things on an even keel. Taurus doesn’t rock the boat, and once it settles into a position, it stays there. However, Uranus is the planet of change, of rebellion, invention, and looking into the future. It can mean radical conformity. Taurus is also the sign of pleasure and comfort.

It’s really no wonder that “incel” culture — the radical, bizarre idea that men who can’t get sexual pleasure from women should be entitled to use women as objects for their sexual pleasure because their sensual needs are more important than anything else  — has seen a rise. This a a very Uranus in Taurus type of thinking: a radical push toward comfort. It is overthrowing the status quo and taking away someone else’s comfort and security and giving it to someone else.

Stable Genius?

Uranus in Taurus can literally also mean “stable genius,” which has come to be a joke in the United States. Before our president used the term, and on its face, it‘s an oxymoron. You can’t be both stable and be a genius. However, if Taurus in Uranus has a greater benefit, it is slowly, steady progress, particularly when it comes to practical things.

Imagine that this is the time where we really address global warming and our environment crises. Imagine that this is the time we may shift from fossil fuels and use renewable energy. This could be the time that people make radical shifts toward peace. This could be the time that we appreciate women for their souls and celebrate their beauty as it truly is.

How will Uranus in Taurus affect me?

Those who have planets in Taurus or in Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius will be the most affected, as will people with Taurus rising. If you want to know more, contact me for a reading.


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