Gender Issues: Should You See a Male or Female Psychics?

Gender matters?

It’s not uncommon to prefer a doctor of your own gender, a male or female therapist, or a barber or hairdressr of your own gender. Most of us tend to prefer to work with someone of the same gender/gender of identity. It makes us feel innately understood. Other times, we let our preconceived notions get in the way. I have a client who works as a senior manager at a home improvement store but consistently deals with customers refusing to believe it. Why? Because she’s female. I have another client, a second-year associate at a law firm who is consistently mistaken for a secretary or receptionist. Likewise, I have a male client who works as a nurse who is often mistakenly called “doctor.”

 The truth about psychics and gender:

There are people who have strong opinions over what gender their psychic should be. Some feel that women are more understanding and more receptive, while there are those who feel that males are less prone to flights of fancy.

I’m here to ruin everything for all of you who have a definite opinion about whether a male or female psychic is better:

All psychic energy is inherently female.

It’s all yin, negative, receptive, water-element energy, also known as female. Now, this doesn’t mean that I am a woman, or that I identify as one. It just means that my psychic energy is an expression of my anima. It’s an expression of the anima for women, too. It’s also an expression of the anima for anyone who is inter-sexed, transgendered, genderqueer, or gender-fluid.

Why does this matter?

This matters because the psychic space is not a place where traditional gender roles matter. The psychic space is where we are channeling yin energy in a yang world. There are more important things to think about, such as the age and experience of your psychic. Would they understand where you are coming from? Do they know what it’s like to live in your part of the country, in your culture, at your age?

I hope this settles it.

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