Past Life Memories….Or Just Nostalgia? Three Ways to Tell the Difference

Ever lived a past life? Does it come back to you in memories? Perhaps you have flashes of your former life. Pictures, sounds, even smells may come to you and whisk you away to another time. You feel at home in the memory, as you really lived it.

Past life…of your own? What’s nostalgia, anyway?

But have you really?

Past life memories can be very, very strong, but so can nostalgia. Nostalgia is like homesickness for the past. It’s wistfulness of a time that once was, and yet never was, because it’s seen through rose-colored glasses. Past life memories can be genuinely nostalgic, or they could be figments of the imagination. There are a few ways to tell the difference, however:

You have memories of a culture that is extremely foreign to you.

Most people reincarnate into something familiar in some manner. If you have memories of a culture, social class, or geographic place that are not only foreign to you, but to your ancestors, there’s a good chance that your soul never actually experienced that place or time. While it’s not guaranteed, it’s likely to be a fantasy. After all, we are all fascinated with the exotic to some degree.

Ask yourself: What do I really know about this culture? Is it exotic to me, or does it feel like home? What relationship do my ancestors have to this culture? Can I trace any connection? Or, am I just interested in being a part of something foreign.

You think you were famous

While famous people certain do reincarnate, it’s more common for people to mistakenly believe that they reincarnated from those who are well-known now. Many of us wish to have the esteem of the world, and many of us may believe that we had it once. However, it’s statistically more likely that we were NOT the people from the past who are well-known and revered now. It may be possible to have served the famous person or to have been subject to them, but not so likely to have been them.

Ask yourself: Do I bare any actual resemblance to the person in question? Do I know anything about them naturally, without reading it or seeing it in media? Do I have any of that person’s interests or abilities? Do I have any of their weaknesses?

You’re lost trying to find your way in this life.

This is perhaps the most common reason for people to dwell on their past lives in a romantic way. People who don’t feel that this life offers much or can amount to much want to think of different time. Perhaps they feel they’ve been born too late. However, everyone is born at the right time, even if we all don’t know why.

A psychic can help you determine what happened in your past life, how it affects this life, and most importantly, how to move on and make this life a memorable one.

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