Solar Return: Predicting Your Year with Astrology

What’s a solar return?

First, to understand a solar return, one has to understand predictive astrology.

Astrology can predict the future…

…to a certain degree. It can predict possible situations or circumstances, but not necessarily every possible thing that could come up. It can’t predict whether or not a person will take opportunities, either. However, it can show what opportunities may come.

The solar return predicts one year.

The solar return chart is a chart of the upcoming year. It’s the chart of the current planetary positions based on the exact time that the sun comes back to where it was when you were born.

A solar return reads like a regular natal chart.

The main difference, however, is that a natal chart is for the rest of one’s life, while solar returns are only for one year. They also don’t replace natal charts, but enhance them. For example, the sun will always be the same in natal charts and solar return charts, but the Moon may be different. The Moon represents emotions, needs, and fears. The Moon in your natal chart is your basic, innate emotions, needs, and fears. In solar returns, the Moon shows how the emotions, needs, and fears may be expressed more readily or more often for that year.

What can solar returns do for you?

First, they can help you plan for the year. You know what will probably happen. However, solar returns are best done for the place you’ll be on your birthday, or when the sun returns to the same position, meaning that you can change your year by traveling or even moving on your birthday. Now, you can’t escape fate forever, but you can choose to prioritize certain life experiences over others at given times. You can make things happen the way you would like them though.

How can I get a solar return reading?

An astrologer can do a chart for you and interpret it. If you would like a solar return reading, contact me (or one of my psychic friends) for a reading!

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