Abuse and Psychic Ability: Which Came First?

*** Trigger Warning: This post is going to discuss abuse and trauma.***

Abuse is endemic in our culture.

I have spoken to too many clients who are suffering. So many people need healing. Children come into the world and they are hurt by those who should protect them. Much of the time, the children are forbidden to tell, or punished if they do. Their abusers lie, manipulate, and threatened. They abuse some more. However, what they don’t do is fix themselves and try to make up for it, at least most don’t. Instead, they will justify their behavior or lie about.

Then I meet their victims, all grown up, all suffering from the trauma. Many of them are disconnected from who they really are because of the abuse. I have met adults who have told me that they don’t even know what their real feelings are or what they believe, think, or even like.

Yet, many of the abused are psychic.

Does abuse inadvertently open psychic channels, or are psychic children more likely to be abused?

I was fortunate to grow up in a loving, safe home. My parents and family understood and accepted my abilities. I was not taken advantage of because of them. However, so many victims are psychic on some level that I wonder which came first: the ability or the abuse?

On one hand, empathetic people who are more capable of responding to others, or to knowing what others are doing wrong are more likely to be taken advantage of and hurt. Psychic children are hard to understand, and thus a parent whose only desire is to have power over the child may be angered and scared of the child’s own power, one the adult does not have and cannot understand.

Then again, abuse causes children to have to live by their instincts, forcing them to focus on the smallest clues in order to avoid danger. This type of focus can make them more likely to recognize their psychic traits.

Using psychic ability to heal your wounds

I have seen some horrible things when I have looked into other people’s pasts. I have felt very dark presences in their lives. The worst part is that to most of the outside world, the abusers seem like wonderful people. They overcompensate by being pillars of the church, working hard, or being involved in the community. They let out their ugliness only on those who can’t flee them.

The good news is that facing your abuse squarely, and even looking into your abuser’s soul and seeing what is there can help you heal. I don’t mean that it will help you sympathize with your abuser or feel bad for them. Whether you do that or not doesn’t excuse what they did, nor does it mean that your sorrow, fear, and anger are unjustified. You don’t have to feel sorry for your abuser if they’ve been abused themselves. As adults, we choose our actions, and we know when we’re hurting people.

You can, however, taken a deep look into the past and see it for what it was: something done to you, the innocent, a person who has every right to feel safe, happy, secure, and loved, and that was taken or kept from you by those who had no right to take it away.

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