Why Soul Mates Sometimes Leave (Even Though You Love Them)

Oh, soul mates! You meet, and you think it’s destiny. It certainly feels like fate, doesn’t it? It may very well be fate. Perhaps they came at the very right time. Were you lonely? Did you need a special friend? Was it simply by chance? Perhaps you met in early childhood. Perhaps you met when you were at a crossroads or entering a new phase in your life.

Everything seemed so right when you met. You may have even consulted a psychic, and the psychic saw that this was good. You kept going, hoping for the best, never dreaming that you two would part.

Yet, you did part. Perhaps your soul mate died. Maybe he or she left you. Perhaps you two drifted apart. It didn’t seem possible. However, it happened anyway, and here you are, wondering why something written in the stars somehow came undone.

Soul Mates Help Us Grow

The problem with soul mates is that we have a Hollywood definition of soul mates. We think they’re lovers we meet over and over again from lifetime to lifetime, always seeking each other, always living to find each other, until death do you part, only to start the cycle over again. What the hell is the point of that?

Souls are meant to evolve and eventually evolve out of incarnation. That’s why we live different lives and meet different people, try different things, and seek different goals. What good would it be for a soul to spend each incarnation trying to do the same thing over and over again? It would do no good; which is one of the reasons soul mates depart. Soul mates meet for a purpose. The souls recognize each other and are drawn to each other, but that doesn’t mean that they’re lovers in this life or the next one. In fact, many of your soul mates are actually relatives. Does it gross you out to think that your brother or sister was your husband or wife in a previous life?

Sorry, but that’s entirely possible. You came together, you loved, you grew, you changed.

But seriously: the majority of us never married or spent the rest of our lives with our high school sweetheart. Some of us do, but most of us don’t. We live longer, we meet more people, and we experience more. Sure, we may fall in love for the first time in high school and at the time, think that this girl or boy is the ONE. It feels real. It is real. It’s just usually not meant to last.

Growing Isn’t Easy or Comfortable

Specifically, growing means to destroy and rise from the rubble and ashes, like a phoenix. Your own body gives you clues. Every cell in your body is different from what it was seven years ago. You’re the same person, and your DNA is the same, but you’re not exactly the same. Your mind probably isn’t the same, either. After all, you’ve experienced much in the last seven years. Your tastes and needs have changed, too. This may mean that your taste in lovers or friends have changed, too.

Growing Means Moving On

Most of us who didn’t marry our high school sweethearts but ended up in happy marriages wouldn’t trade our spouses for our high school sweethearts. I know I wouldn’t. I know she wouldn’t either. In fact, the man she ended up marrying is really nothing like me, and their lives are nothing like mine or any life I could imagine for myself. My wife is not very much like her, either, but she is my heart. I can only wonder how miserable my high school sweetheart and I would have been if we had married.

And you know that your high school sweetheart is a soul mate, right? It’s usually everyone’s first cosmic marriage.

But it Still Hurts

Indeed it does hurt to lose a soul mate. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is try to make sense of it by trying to get a cosmic view and understand the cosmic reason for coming together and for coming apart.

A psychic may not always tell you if you and your soul mate are going to be together forever, or if you will definitely break up someday. Sometimes, this isn’t easy to tell. Sometimes, it’s not in your best interest to think your relationship has an expiration date because you may forget to enjoy the relationship. However, each relationship has meaning and a purpose.


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