Autumn is the Psychic Season

Autumn is a state of mind, not a season.

Usually, once a year, I get back up to the North Country to experience the changing of the seasons. While Miami isn’t summer in perpetuity, it doesn’t have the colors and ambiance of a Northeastern autumn. I try to go up for visiting in the autumn months. September is a good time, but October is better for colors. I’m not entirely over the moon for fall. However, my wife, who grew up in New York State as well, worships it. She thrives on L.L. Bean, and I tell you: if it wasn’t for their catalog, she would have never moved down to to Miami with me.

But she did, and I love the weather. However, I also absolutely believe that psychic ability is stronger during the season of winding down.

You’re not dreaming: psychic ability IS stronger during the autumn months.

I’m not the only psychic to have noticed this, but psychic ability is stronger during the colder season. This isn’t just because Halloween happens in late October and people are more attune to the spirit world. Actually, that’s putting the cart before the horse. Samhain (pronounced “sow-IN”) is the Celtic holiday celebrating the end of summer. At this time the veil between the spirit world and that of the human world is thinnest. Not only can spirits more easily pass into this world, but we can easily pass into theirs.

This probably has something to do with the fact that after the fall equinox, the nights get longer and the days get shorter. It can have something to do with the fact that people slow down and are more pensive. It can also have something to do with the fact that it’s easier to detect ghosts because they need us to manifest.

Ghosts want to be cozy, too.

Ghosts are attracted to people, electronics, and other things that give them the energy to manifest in this world. This can be the electricity from your laptop, your television, or your own electric current. They also need warmth to move. Contrary to popular belief, ghosts don’t prefer cold. They seem cold to us, however, because they’re absorbing heat, not radiating it. This is why when a ghost is near, it feels cold. In autumn, the sources of heat grow more scarce. It could be chilly outside, but that wood-burning stove in your home is a shining beacon to otherworldly spirits. You, because you’re not running around so much as you were in summer, are in a quiet place to experience and perceive the ghost.


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