Classical Music Can Make You More Psychic

Classical music is a 1,600 old genre ubiquitous in the Western world. From television and movie scores to symphonies, even people who think they don’t like classical music like some form of it, or some music inspired by it. For example, you’ve probably hear Pachelbel’s Canon in D, if not the actual composition, but in one form or another in pop music.  A lot of people, unfortunately, consider classical music to be boring or at least, uninteresting, especially those that aren’t operas and pieces that have no vocal parts. However, classical music deviates from the norm of all human music in that it contains no lyrics and no human voice.

Classical Music Can Make You More Creative, Which is the Key to Psychic Ability

You can unlock your creativity and imagination. As I’ve written in my book, creativity and imagination are closely linked to psychic ability. After all, what is creativity and imagination but tapping into the universal consciousness and communicating what no words can communicate? This is what a psychic does.

The music inspires creativity because it doesn’t have words. It activates the gray matter in the brain, the part responsible for making connections and forming new ideas. Psychics hear and see what others do not, what is beyond the superficial. The music is like an on-switch for intuition. However, it doesn’t force the brain to do anything. It lulls it into the space where images, feelings, and impressions are dominant.

Don’t believe me? Listen to Gustav’s Holst’s The Planets Suite, particularly Jupiter. What impressions do you get? How do you feel?

Classical Music Increases Focus

They call it the “Mozart Effect,” and it’s been touted as a cure-all for all intellectual ailments. It’s overrated, but there is truth to it. The music can increase focus on tasks because it overrides the chatter in the brain. It unlocks intuition and makes the language faculties in the brain rest. Thus, when doing a task (like reading tarot cards), focus is on the thing in front of you, not the chatter in your head.

I listen to classical music when I read astrological charts. I find that it makes it much easier to focus on the meaning behind the things I see and to really understand what they mean.

Classical Music Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Did you know that the orchestra played and went down with the ship when the Titanic was sinking? They did this to help calm the frantic people trying to escape or to accept their fate. They were recognized as heroes.

An anxious psychic is an unhelpful psychic. We’re very prone to anxiety. This because we’re not only sensitive to our own environments, but to other’s feelings. However, classical music floods the mind and releases endorphins. It’s a little rush that makes things great in the moment. It doesn’t solve the problem, but it makes it less of an issue. Classical music provides much of the same benefit of mediation without having to take focus off a task or job.


Do you listen to classical music? If so, what’s your favorite piece?

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