
Clairvoyance: Seeing Distance Places and Events

Clairvoyance is a psychic power. Clairvoyance is a psychic power to look into the future, back to the past, or to distance places and see events unfold. It is most like watching a movie with the mind’s eye. The clairvoyant is not present, and cannot change or affect what she sees. However, she does often

Gender Issues: Should You See a Male or Female Psychics?

Gender matters? It’s not uncommon to prefer a doctor of your own gender, a male or female therapist, or a barber or hairdressr of your own gender. Most of us tend to prefer to work with someone of the same gender/gender of identity. It makes us feel innately understood. Other times, we let our preconceived notions

Faith is Utterly Human: What Is Faith?

Faith: Easy to imagine, hard to do. Faith is an utterly human exercise. Anyone who owns a dog or has a baby knows something about object-permanence. This is the state of mind in which a being understands that just because they can’t see or touch something that the thing hasn’t disappeared. Babies haven’t developed object-permanence

Toxic People: Why Do Sensitive People Attract Them?

I’m taking a little break from my usual topic to address something that has been coming up lately in my readings and sessions. Lately, I have found myself working with very good souls who ask me about the toxic people in their lives. Usually, they‘re asking me about how they can change to make these

Nightmares Have Psychic Meaning, But What?

Nightmares are a special gateway into the soul. What’s in a dream? More specifically, what makes a nightmare different from a dream? A nightmare is a dream that scares. I’m not convinced that some people never have nightmares. Rather, I think they just don’t react to their dreams with fear and/or they don’t remember them.

Little Psychic Things: Everyday Psychic Experiences

 Everyday Psychic Experiences: have you ever experienced any of these? Most psychic experiences are not big events, but everyday psychic experiences. In fact, most of the spontaneous psychic experiences that psychics have are small ones. This goes for the experiences we have while working and the ones we have just living our lives. Most of my